1. Parties
1.1 These general terms and conditions (hereinafter the ”Terms”) are applicable between
Control Department AB, org.nr. 556962-9719,
(hereinafter ”Control Department”)
business user (”Customer”) who is not a consumer, and who acquires Product (see
definition below) from Control Department or uses Control Department for the performance of
consulting services – each hereinafter referred to as ”Part” and jointly the ”Parties”.
2. Agreement documents
2.1 i) Control Department’s Integrity policy
ii) Any specific existing agreements of the Parties
iii) Order confirmation
iii) The Terms
iv) The quotation
v) NL17 -these have a complementary effect on the Terms
2.2 The agreement covers all documents listed above in section 2.1.
2.3 In the event of double and/or conflicting provisions in the Agreement, the provisions
of the agreement documents shall be applied in the order shown in section 2.1.
2.4 Specific agreements that have been added in due order take precedence over general
2.5 Later signed agreements that have been added in due order take precedence over
previous agreements.
2.6 In the event that Control Department in the quotation and/or order confirmation refers to
ALEM09 as a supplementary delivery terms when ordering Product, ALEM09 and not
NL17 is applied as a supplement to the Terms and in the same order as NL17 above.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
3. Definitions
3.1 ALEM09: General delivery regulations regarding electrical equipment for delivery and
use in Sweden, prepared by the Electrical Installers’ Organization, EIO, and Sweden’s
Electric Wholesalers, SEG.
3.2 The Agreement: The terms and conditions applicable at any time that Control Department
publishes on its website, quotation, purchase order, order confirmation, receipt and
other documents assignable to the Purchase.
3.3 Consulting service: Services within e.g. lighting design, projection, commissioning and
programming that Control Department performs by separate agreement with the Customer to
which ABK09 is applied.
3.4 Purchase: Customer’s acquisition of a Product that Control Department has offered for sale.
3.5 Product: The products available for ordering via Control Department and/or the products that
Control Department develops for the Customer according to specification.
3.6 NL17: General regulations for deliveries of machinery and other mechanical, electrical
and electronic equipment within and between Denmark, Finland, Norway and
4. General information
4.1 Control Department is a Nordic lighting supplier that imports and sells lighting products to
4.1.1 Control Department AB are connected to FTI and the electrical circuit.
4.2 By ordering a Product or Consulting Service from Control Department, regardless of how the
purchase is entered, the Customer commits to comply with the Terms. The Terms
may also be amended unilaterally by Control Department in accordance with section 17 of the
5. Entering Agreement
5.1 Control Department issues a quotation for Product or Consulting Service which the Customer
confirms. When the Customer has confirmed the quotation, Control Department issues an
order confirmation which is sent to the Customer’s e-mail address, whereupon if the
Customer does not object to it within 24 hours of the issued order confirmation, the
Parties have entered into Agreements to which these Terms apply.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
5.2 A quotation is valid for thirty (30) days from the time it is issued by Control Department.
5.3 Information in marketing materials, price lists and other product information
provided by Control Department before entering a contract is binding only to the extent that
the Agreement between the Parties refers to them.
6. Price and payment
6.1 All prices stated are exclusive of VAT and shipping costs.
6.2 The Customer commits to make payment in accordance with the provisions of these
Terms and the Agreement in general.
6.3 In case of payment against invoice, payment shall be made in net cash within thirty
(30) days from the invoice date in cases where the Customer has been granted credit
with Control Department.
6.4 Control Department reserves the right to apply advance payment when Control Department deems it
6.5 If the Customer does not make payment on time, Control Department may demand payment
plus interest as well as a payment reminder fee/collection costs or other collection
costs in accordance with applicable law where Control Department has its registered office.
6.6 Unless otherwise agreed upon, Control Department reserves the right to currency-adjusted
stated prices during the quotation’s validity period if there are currency fluctuations
that affect the price by more than +/- 2 percent (%)from the stated price per
quotation date.
7. Delivery and delivery time of Product
7.1 For delivery and delivery times of Product, NL17 is applied with the following
7.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, EXW Control Department’s warehouse
(Incoterms2020) applies as delivery terms.
7.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, shipping fees will be added according
to the price list in force at that time.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
7.1.3 In case of Customer wishes to split or advance a delivery and Control Department has
approved this, Control Department reserves the right to charge a warehousing fee in
accordance with the price list in force at that time.
7.1.4 Control Department only approves the return of unused Products that constitute stock items
and are in original packaging. Upon return, Control Department applies a return deduction of
at least thirty (30) percent (%) and returns can be made no later than forty-five (45)
days after the delivery date. Products that are manufactured to specification,
customized or in a special version cannot be returned to Control Department.
7.1.5 The customer shall immediately after received delivery check the Products and within
five (5) days from the delivery date notify Control Department of any defects in the Product.
Defects that should be discovered in connection with receipt and control of delivery,
Control Department is not responsible for.
7.1.6 In the event of a product defect, it is Control Department that unilaterally decides on a case-bycase
basis if a Customer is only entitled to compensation under the Product
Guarantee section 11. Or if a Customer is entitled to compensation for
troubleshooting, repairs or replacement costs whereupon compensation is only on a
goodwill basis and only when the level of compensation the Customer claims has
been approved by Control Department in advance. Compensation shall under no
circumstances exceed what can be reimbursed by Control Department’s special access
7.1.7 All luminaries are manufactured to specification and their delivery time varies
depending on the make. Estimated delivery time will be notified to the Customer as
soon as possible after Control Department has received a purchase order from the Customer.
8. Changes in Product
8.1 Control Department owns the right, unless it causes technical or financial inconvenience to the
Customer, to deliver the Product with product changes made after the entered
8.2 The customer is aware that Control Department does not stock any Products, which is why
minor product changes after entering into an agreement are common.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
9. Product samples
9.1 Control Department and the Customer may agree that Control Department shall provide samples of
goods to the Customer, whereupon cost, delivery and other conditions for samples
will be specified in a separate agreement/order confirmation.
9.2 A product sample provided by Control Department constitutes a loan of Product for testing the
Product’s effect and function. A product sample must be returned to Control Department in
the same condition as the Customer received the product sample and at the
Customer’s expense, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.
9.3 For product samples provided by Control Department, ”Pre-delivery tests” (delivery tests) in
clauses 8-11 NL17 do not apply and Control Department does not provide any delivery
samples in accordance with NL17, whereupon these are not applicable between
Control Department and the Customer.
10. Liability for design and tasks
10.1 Each party is liable for information in the production documentation and for
construction that the Party has provided.
10.2 A Party is also liable for a change in the Party’s design proposed by the other Party,
unless the Party has expressly reserved itself before the commencement of
10.3 Control Department is not liable for defects due to the Product provided by the Customer,
unless Control Department has been negligent.
11. Product warranty
11.1 For liability for defects, NL17 (unless the Parties have agreed on ALEM09) applies with
the following exceptions/changes/additions as stated in this section 11.
11.2 Control Department provides a 5-year product warranty on luminaires and ballasts (drivers
and transformers) in cases where both luminaries and ballasts are ordered and
delivered by Control Department.
11.3 Control Department provides a 2-year product warranty on luminaires, ballasts (drivers and
transformers) and dimmers.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
11.4 If the Parties agree in writing separately on an extended warranty period, such
agreement shall take precedence over this clause.
11.5 The product warranty in these Terms and the provisions on ”Liability for defects”
NL17 (or ”Seller’s liability for defects” in ALEM09) applies according to the following
11.5.1 Products may only be installed and used in accordance with specified product and
use specifications. Limit values for temperature and voltage must not be exceeded
and the product must not be subjected to mechanical strain.
11.5.2 Control Department or its suppliers are not liable for the power supply conditions, including
short-term voltage peaks, overvoltage/undervoltage, electricity ripples that are
outside the product’s set limit value and the limit values set according to the
applicable delivery standard (e.g. standard EN 50160).
11.6 In the event of loss of function, Control Departments and the respective supplier of the
Product (based on their technical analysis of defective items) decide after their own
assessment whether the defective Product is to be repaired, replaced with
corresponding replacement products or credited. The Customer bears costs for
disassembly and assembly as well as shipping costs for returning the Products. All
other costs such as replacement costs in connection with installation, costs due to
incorrect installation or other damage and/or consequential damage are not covered
by the product warranty.
11.7 To invoke product warranty, the Customer must return the defective Product
together with a written error description so that Control Department or its supplier can
perform a check of the accuracy of the warranty claim.
11.8 Product with manufacturing defects is repaired or replaced with a new Product
during the product warranty period provided that the Product has been used and
installed in accordance with the supplier’s or manufacturer’s instructions.
Reimbursement for exchange costs is generally not paid, but such may still be
reimbursed in full or in part following a case-by-case decision on a goodwill basis.
Requests for such compensation must be made in advance and approved in writing
by Control Department.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
12. Consulting services
12.1 Control Department offers consulting services such as lighting design, commissioning and
programming. ABK09 is applied to all consulting services performed by Control Department.
12.2 If Control Department offers commissioning and/or programming, such a quotation is valid
provided that the luminaires and control systems are correctly installed. Any
troubleshooting will be added and invoiced per hour according to Control Department’s
current price list/quotation.
13. Customer’s obligation
13.1 The Customer commits to make payment in accordance with what has been agreed
and to comply with the provisions of these Terms and the Agreement in general.
14. Control Department’s obligations
14.1 Control Department commits to deliver Products in accordance with the provisions of these
Terms and the Agreement in general.
14.2 Control Department is not responsible for defects, deficiencies or other breaches of contract
due to the Customer or conditions on the Customer’s side, nor for breaches of
contracts due to third parties.
15. Insurance
15.1 Control Department commits to hold general liability insurance for two (2) years from the
Product’s delivery which covers damages as a result of defects in the Product. The
insurance amount must be at least two hundred (200) Swedish cost-indexed base
15.2 Control Department also commits to hold special access insurance with an insurance amount
that is not less than two hundred (200) Swedish cost-indexed base amounts.
16. Managing personal data
16.1 Control Department processes personal data regarding the Customer and employees of the
Customer when purchasing Products or ordering Consulting Services, in order to fulfil
Control Department’s obligations under the Agreement and for marketing purposes.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
16.2 Control Department commits to process this personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU)
2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and other relevant laws and
16.3 For information regarding what otherwise applies to the processing of personal data,
Control Department refers to the personal data policy in force at any given time, which is
published on the website.
17. Change of Terms
17.1 Control Department reserves the right to change the Terms at any time without the
Customer’s approval at the times determined by Control Department. In relation to new
Customers, the most recently published Terms apply immediately. In relation to
existing Customers, the change takes effect one (1) week after the change is
17.2 Changes of substantial importance to the Customer will be communicated to the
Customer. In the event of minor changes, only an updated version of these Terms will
be available on Control Department’s website. In the event of changes of substantial
importance to the Customer, the customer has the opportunity to terminate the
Agreement for immediate termination within one (1) week of the communication of
the significant changes. In the event of such termination, the Parties’ obligations
towards each other cease with the reservation that each Party is entitled to
compensation for outstanding receivables with each other.
17.3 The current Terms and Conditions can be found on Control Department’s website.
18. Dispute
18.1 If conflicts arise in the Agreement due to language differences, the provisions of the
Agreement shall first be interpreted in accordance with the meaning in Swedish and
thereafter the meaning in English.
18.2 Should there be unreasonable provisions in the Terms or other contract documents,
these shall at first be adjusted and applied in their reasonable form. When adjusting a
contract provision or invalidating a contract provision, the other contract terms shall
apply in full.
Control Department – Terms and Conditions
18.3 Disputes concerning the interpretation or enforcement of agreements to which the
Terms are applicable shall be settled in accordance with Swedish law by a general
court if the Parties do not agree on arbitration or simplified arbitration.
Control Department är ett ungt och växande företag fullt medvetna om att nationella och internationella miljömål existerar för att den planet vi lever på behöver det. Att vårt agerande får konsekvenser för kommande generationer och att det inte finns några ursäkter för att i en upplyst värld ignorera de varningar som utfärdas av etablerad forskning och Moder Jord själv.
Vi ska så klart dra mer än vårt strå till stacken. Både i den enkla vardagen och i våra långsiktiga strategier ska det hela tiden finnas med en tanke om hur vi kan agera för att minimera eller neutralisera vår påverkan på miljön.
Detta arbete sker idag mycket enligt sunt förnuft och det kan i en liten organisation ta emot lite att notera arbetet i överdådiga policys. Att vi gladeligen tar oss tiden att sortera och bära upp tomflaskor till återvinningsstationen betyder inte nödvändigtvis att vi tar oss tiden att dokumentera det.
Men några punkter finns iaf noterade.
Maxad produktlivscykel
Vår största möjlighet att bidra till de nationella och internationella klimatmålen är att konsekvent marknadsföra och leverera produkter som är designade och konstruerade för att leva länge, och när de inte längre fungerar, vara möjliga att reparera.
Produkterna ska så klart också möta alla kriterier och märkningar som kan förväntas av en modern ljusprodukt, vilket vi löpande ser över tillsammans med de tillverkningar vi samarbetar med.
Eftersom vi samarbetar med privatägda, och i sammanhanget småskaliga, produktioner, upplever vi att vårt inflytande är stort och att det generellt finns ett omfattande och strukturerat miljötänk i våra produktioner.
Transporter och emballage
Utöver produkten vi säljer kan vi genom att återanvända emballage och koordinera smarta distributionsvägar ytterligare minska vår produkts påverkan på miljön. 99% av produkterna vi marknadsför i Norden kommer till oss direkt från fabrik och utan mellan-destinationer. Vi arbetar även omfattande med egen lagerhållning av komponenter (som t.ex. Drivers och ljuskällor) för att undvika dubbla transporter och onödiga transportbehov vid mindre reklamationer.
Vi försöker så långt det är möjligt att välja det mest miljöriktiga färdmedlet. Vi kan promenera, cykla, åka kollektivt, köpa tågbiljett, köra bil eller sätta oss i en flygstol. Oavsett hur vi tar oss fram bör vi ha övervägt det i ordningen föregående alternativet.
Kontor och vardag
Vi har i Norden 3 mindre kontor och ett litet lager (totalt ca 600 m2). I stor utsträckning är vi beroende av fastighetsägarens insatser och rutiner. Vi ser löpande över våra avtal och begär nya lösningar i de fall vi tror oss se bättre alternativ.
På kontoret:
Vi låter inte elektriska produkter stå och tugga energi när de inte används
Vi printar inte material som kan skickas/lagras elektroniskt
Vi använder inte onödiga kemikalier
Vi tänker efter när vi väljer förbrukningsmaterial och köper om möjligt ekologiska produkter
Control Department är anslutna till FTI och El-kretsen och har genom dessa organisationer tillgång till ett rikstäckande insamlings- och återvinningssystem för elmaterial och förpackningar (plast, metall, papper, kartong, wellpapp).
Control Department är ett registrerat dotterbolag till The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy.
Hantering av personuppgifter
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy [ 559042-6143], samt dess dotterbolag, marknadsför produkter och tjänster för arkitektoniskt ljus i kommersiella och offentliga miljöer. Företaget riktar sig mot personer som i sin yrkesroll föreskriver belysningslösningar samt företag som investerar i ljusanläggningar.
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy är personuppgiftsansvarig för de personuppgifter som rör Kunden och som The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy samlar in och behandlar under utövandet av verksamheten. The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy behandlar personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy behandlar personuppgifter som rör Kunden i form av:
– Namn
– E-postadress
– Telefonnummer
– Adress
– Fotografier / Bildmaterial
– Organisationsnummer / Personnummer
– Titel
– Bankuppgifter
– Övriga av kunden frivilligt registrerade uppgifter
– Innehåll och uppgifter som kunden själv publicerar (Användargenererat innehåll)
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy’s syfte med behandlingen av personuppgifter är främst att fullgöra våra förpliktelser mot vår kund. Vi strävar efter att endast behandla personuppgifter när vår kund har intresse i att vi gör så.
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy behandlar personuppgifter i syfte att:
– Fullgöra våra förpliktelser mot vår kund.
– Marknadsföra produkter, tjänster, utbildningar och event.
– Utföra kund- och marknadsanalyser
– Utveckla och utföra bra support och service
– Följa upp affärer och dela viktig information
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy delar som regel inte personuppgifter till tredje part utan samtycke.
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy lagrar personuppgifter under den tid som det är nödvändigt för vi ska kunna uppfylla våra åtaganden och förpliktelser, efter intresseavvägning samt i de fall vi hämtat samtycke för marknadsföring / information.
Kunden har rätt att kostnadsfritt begära information om eller rättelse av de personuppgifter som rör Kunden och som behandlas av The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy. Kunden har även rätt att begränsa behandlingen av personuppgifterna, begära att behandlingen upphör samt att få ut de personuppgifter som Kunden har tillhandahållit The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy i ett strukturerat, allmänt använt och maskinläsbart format samt ha rätt att överföra dessa uppgifter till annan personuppgiftsansvarig utan att The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy hindrar det.
Kund som vill kontakta The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy angående behandlingen av personuppgifter som rör Kunden kan ta kontakt med Företaget via post eller e-post enligt följande:
The Fourth Dimension Conspiracy
Jakobsdalsvägen 15B
126 53 Hägersten
Om Kunden är missnöjd med Företagets behandling av personuppgifter kan Kunden lämna in ett klagomål till Datainspektionen, eller till motsvarande myndighet i det land där Kunden bor eller arbetar.
Phos is a new brand but with lots of history. The company grows 135 year old roots in material expertise and manufactures its lighting instruments on the back of that. Bringing out the ingenious Eyeconic – a miniature yet powerful downlight range, and the bravely designed Orba – a spotlight for all applications, Phos is quickly becoming a designers favourite.
Lam32 is a reality at the service of project designers all over the world, ready to listen to and elevate the creativity of those wishing to express their own ideas; a dimension in which desires for light no longer have construction limits. Our passion and approach to project design allow us always to propose new perspectives for our clients, developing unique luminaires and solutions for high level projects.
Stoane Lighting products embrace issues such as lockability, glare control, ease of maintenance, light quality and consistency. They are built to last, to be maintained and even to be upgraded if and when advances allow. This is a high quality and super sustainable range of products that Rebel Light is proud to present to the Nordic design community.
Rosco, founded in 1910, is best known for the products it originally manufactured: color filters, gobos, scenic paints and fog products. But today Rosco also provide a great range of products for indoor & outdoor projections and architectural lighting.
San Antonio, Texas, is home to the most precision engineered and finely crafted architectural lighting fixtures in the industry. The goal has always been the same: to increase people’s ability to see, enjoy, appreciate, and experience every nuance of special objects, fine art, haute cuisine, and unique space. It’s all about creating lights that create experiences.
All Radiant products can be configured and adapted to suit particular architectural solutions but always with one aim in mind: to enhance architecture subtly and beautifully, giving the designers with whom we work the tools they need to create perfectly illuminated interior and exterior spaces.
With an ambition to take a simple product to perfection. That’s how we like to think of our British friends at Lumino. Every linear Vector product is built using ColorCORE® technology from 2200K to 4000K. Combining that High CRI (rating of up to 95Ra) witha a great attention to detail and optical performance, Lumino offer a simple, yet beautiful, product and a sophisticated option to the widely used LED-strip.
Established in 1957, the family run business is now an International benchmark in the lighting industry. A social, design friendly and dedicated company with products that fit perfectly into the Nordic design climate. Sleek, technical and flexible product families that are easy to work with throughout your whole design scheme.
GVA Lighting from Canada design their luminaires to be the best in the world. And if you take a look at the outstanding innovation and technical features of their product, you’ll agree that this is not just an ambition. When it comes to big scale exterior design schemes, there’s nothing comparable out there.
LightGraphix design and manufacture lighting for architectural, marine and display use. Robust products in minimalistic form factors, perfect for our Nordic climate and design preferences.
Over the years we’ve struggled to find decorative products with good control of light. When Factorylux partnered with Xicato that is exactly what they could offer. Awesome industrial & steam punk influenced forms with fully controllable beams and gear. If you’ve been looking for a way to get along with the interior designer without compromising your design scheme – You’re going to like this!
Since 1980 Modular have been a rebel in the industry, always on the eccentric side and always with a strong identity in both design and practise. Pairing bold aestethics for modern architecture with a long history of developing defined technical lighting systems Modular have remained a relevant brand throughout the decades.
If you love innovation and want all the latest technical integrations, look no further, formalighting does it. Motorized products for aiming. Full spectrum light. Wireless controls. Electrical and mechanical beam shaping. Here are all the standard products you need, equipped with the technology you want.
Orluna produces the UK’s best selling downlight. Origin luminaires enrich colours in fabrics and materials, and comes with accurate beam control to achieve any desired scheme effect. This is already the ”go to” downlight for many world class designers internationally, and a most welcome challenger on the Nordic arena.
I disse salgs- og leveringsbetingelser er REBEL LIGHT AS og andre samarbeidspartnere benevnt ”Selger”, og REBEL LIGHT’s kontraktspartner benevnes som ”Kjøper”. Videre er Selger og Kjøper i fellesskap benevnt ”Partene”, og individuelt ”Part”.
Disse salgs- og leveringsbetingelser gjelder for alle salg og leveranser fra Selger til Kjøper, med mindre annet er skriftlig avtalt. Selger forutsetter at Kjøper har gjort seg kjent med betingelsene og har akseptert disse ved bestilling av varer. Avtale er bindende inngått mellom Selger og Kjøper når Selger skriftlig bekrefter en mottatt ordre (ordrebekreftelse) eller når skriftlig avtale er inngått. Endringer eller tillegg til avtale må inngås skriftlig og undertegnes av Partene for å være gyldige.
Alle priser er å forstå eks. transport, MVA og andre offentlige avgifter. Priser gitt med basis i de til enhver tid gjeldende prislister med forbehold om endringer fra våre leverandører. Dersom ikke annet er angitt i tilbud er alle priser gyldige i 3-tre uker etter tilbudsdato. Selger har, uten ytterligere varsel, rett til å endre sine priser ved vesentlige endringer i valutamarkedet. (Vesentlig endring er +/- 2% eller høyere). Alle priser er gitt eks. installasjon.
Med mindre annet skriftlig avtales, er betalingsbetingelser netto pr. 30 dager fra fakturadato. Etter forfall belastes rente i henhold til den gjeldende morarente. Fakturaen dateres den dag varen sendes fra produksjonssted/lager.
Leveranse av varer
Frakt tilkommer all levering til Kjøpers bestemmelsessted i Norge med unntak av ekspressforsendelser og småordre som gjøres etter skriftlig avtale med Kjøper.
Postnr 0000 – 4999 : 4 %
Postnr 5000 – 7999 : 4,5 %
Postnr 8000 – 9999 : 6 %
For ordre under kr. 10.000,- og ekspressforsendelser tilkommer reelt fraktbeløp. Kjøper plikter å kontrollere varer ved mottak og plikter å melde fra overfor transportør hvor det påvises skade, manko eller mangler. Ansvaret og risikoen for leverte varer går over på Kjøper fra det øyeblikket varene er stilt til Kjøpers disposisjon/levert som avtalt. Transportforsikring belastes med logistikkpartners egne satser. Ved ekspressforsendelse skal frakttillegg avtales særskilt.
Undersøkelsesplikt og reklamasjon
Kjøper plikter å telle opp og undersøke varene for eventuelle skade, manko og mangler straks de er mottatt (se pkt. 7 Leveranse av varer). Manko, feil og mangler meldes umiddelbart skriftlig til Selger og senest innen 7 dager fra levering. Melding om skjulte feil eller mangler må skje skriftlig senest 21 dager etter mottak, og før varen er montert. Med skjulte feil eller mangler menes fysisk skade på produkt som ikke kan forventes oppdaget ved levering eller undersøkelse. Mangler og feil som oppdages etter montasje meldes omgående skriftlig til Selger, senest innen to år fra levering. Selger melder dette videre til leverandør for utredning. Kostnader ved omprogrammering av digitale styringssystemer dekkes ikke. Ordrenummer eller fakturanummer oppgis ved all reklamasjon. Såfremt Kjøper ikke skriftlig underretter Selger om feil og mangler innen de frister som er angitt ovenfor, mister Kjøper retten til å fremsette krav på grunn av feilen eller mangelen. Selgers ansvar bortfaller når produktet monteres under andre forhold enn forutsatt.
Vare tas ikke i retur uten skriftlig avtale. Egen returavtale inkl. informasjon om faktura- eller ordre-/pakkseddelnummer må følge varene. Varer som ikke sendes i henhold til returavtale eller uten avtale vil ikke bli kreditert.
Er retur akseptert krediteres lagervare med 80 % av netto fakturasum, dog belastes kunden for minimum 500,- eks. mva. for mottaksomkostninger.
Tidsfrist for retur er innen 6 måneder fra fakturadato.
Retur må skje i original og uskadet emballasje.
Returforsendelser skjer på kundens regning og risiko.
Spesialprodukter, samt ikke lagerførte produkter krediteres ikke
Ved forsinket levering er Selgers ansvar overfor kjøper begrenset oppad til 10 % av netto fakturaverdi av leveransen til dekning av dokumenterte merkostnader, og konvensjonalbot. Indirekte kostnader som følge av forsinkelsen dekkes uansett ikke. Ansvar utover dette overfor Selger er utelukket.
Varene er å anse som Selgers eiendom inntil de er betalt av kunden i sin helhet inklusive eventuelle renter og omkostninger. Jfr. Pantelovens §3-14, 3-22.
Alle priser er eks. miljøgebyr. Miljøgebyr blir belastet etter til enhver tid gjeldende satser. Innføring av miljøgebyret er i henhold til Forskrift om kasserte elektriske og elektroniske produkter fastsatt av Miljøverndepartementet 16.3.1998.
Gjeldende sats er p.t. 1%.
Selger er kun ansvarlig for skade voldt av produkt i den utstrekning dette følger av produktansvarsloven. Selger er ansvarlig for personskade bare hvis det dokumenteres at skaden skyldes feil eller forsømmelser begått av Selger eller noen han svarer for. Selger har intet ansvar for skade på fast eiendom eller løsøre (tingskade). Selger har ikke ansvar for driftstap, tapt fortjeneste eller annet indirekte tap eller ansvar overfor tredjemann. Hvis Selger blir pålagt produktansvar overfor tredjemann plikter Kjøper å holde Selger fri for ekstra omkostninger i den utstrekning Selgers ansvar rekker ut over begrensningene i dette punktet. Disse begrensningene i Selgers ansvar gjelder ikke dersom Selger har utvist grov uaktsomhet.
Selgers ansvar er begrenset til feil og mangler ved de leverte varer. Utover det ansvar som her er beskrevet fraskriver Selger seg ethvert ansvar som direkte eller indirekte måtte være foranlediget av mangler ved de leverte varer, herunder blant annet driftstap, tapt fortjeneste og andre økonomiske konsekvenstap samt utlegg. Selger har ikke i noe tilfelle erstatningsansvar utover fakturaverdien på de varer som er mangelfulle.
REBEL LIGHT AS gir fem års garanti mot produksjons- og materialfeil på alle produkter. Forutsatt at betingelsene nedenfor er oppfylt, vil REBEL LIGHT AS enten reparere installerte produkter, eller erstatte med nye produkter.
Denne garantien er gyldig fra fakturadato og gjelder for produksjons- og materialfeil dersom produktene har blitt brukt/installert;
Utelukkende i samsvar med produktets tiltenkte formål og anvendelsesspesifikasjoner.
Innenfor den angitte operative rammen, f.eks. miljø.
Med strømforsyning innenfor det angitte området, dvs. spenning, strøm og frekvens.
På en profesjonell og lovlig måte og i samsvar med produktdatablad, service- og brukermanualer.
Garantien dekker ikke:
Noen form for følgeskader.
Feil som skyldes eksponering for ekstreme forhold, f.eks. torden, lyn, vanninntrengning, brann, dårlig ventilasjon eller andre forhold utenfor REBEL LIGHT AS sin kontroll.
Deler som må byttes ut på grunn av normal slitasje, f.eks. utbyttbare lyskilder, startere og batterier.
Feil grunnet kompatibilitetsproblemer mellom produktene, installasjons- og integrasjonsmiljøet, f.eks. kontrollsystem og strømforsyning.
Produkter som har blitt endret eller reparert av uautorisert personell.
Normale vedlikeholds- og reparasjonsproblemer.
Force majeure.
Dersom det inntreffer en uforutsett situasjon som ligger utenfor partenes herredømme og kontroll og som gjør det umulig eller urimelig tyngende for vedkommende part å oppfylle avtalte forpliktelser, anses denne Avtale ikke som misligholdt så lenge situasjonen vedvarer. Som force majeure anses blant annet brann, arbeidskonflikt, naturkatastrofer, epidemier, knapphet på transportmidler og / eller drivstoff, krig, opprør, valutarestriksjoner, offentlige pålegg eller forbud, mangel på leveranser fra underleverandører, forsinket underleveranse mv. Den Part som blir hindret av force majeure, skal uten ugrunnet opphold varsle den annen Part om forholdet. I tilfelle av force majeure kan Kjøper ikke gjøre misligholdsbeføyelser av noen art gjeldende overfor Selger og Kjøper kan således ikke heve handelen, kreve prisavslag, naturaloppfyllelse eller erstatning av noen art.
Tekniske opplysninger
Alle opplysninger og beskrivelser av produkter, farger, anvendelse og deres funksjon gitt i kataloger, på tegninger, på Selgers hjemmesider, korrespondanse eller annen måte, er etter Selgers beste skjønn og er kun veiledende. Selger kan uten forhåndsvarsel endre produktutvalget samt en vares tekniske spesifikasjon. Hvis ikke annet er avtalt, har Kjøperen risikoen for at varen og de tekniske data i sin helhet passer til hans behov. Er imidlertid behovet kjent for Selger, plikter Selger å gi beskjed til Kjøper hvis han er kjent med eller burde være kjent med at varen ikke passer til hans behov.
Dersom det oppstår tvist om Partenes rettigheter og plikter i forbindelse med salg eller levering fra Selger til Kjøper skal tvisten søkes løst ved forhandlinger. Dersom enighet ikke oppnås skal tvisten avgjøres for de alminnelige domstoler med Oslo tingrett som verneting. Alle tvister avgjøres etter norsk rett.
Forhold til annen lovgivning
Kjøpsloven og annen lovgivning får anvendelse som tillegg til denne avtale i den grad denne avtale ikke inneholder avvikende bestemmelser.
Vexica have quickly become a go-to-supplier for dynamic and IP-rated linear lighting. The product range is simple and straightforward, yet super flexible and useful. The ultra modern manufacturing facility allows Vexica to bring out products that are reliable and equipped with innovative technology at very competitive price points.
Since 1962, Neri has been a symbol of excellence in high-end outdoor furniture and lighting systems. Neri’s latest product collection,Nebula, designed in collaboration with Skidmore, Owings and Merril, already stands out as a modern classic.
LEDs as a light source have delivered on the promise of energy efficiency and long life. Cooledge develops technologies that enable thenext step in the evolution of lighting to fully integrated, and digitally controlled, luminous surfaces that blends perfect into architecture.
At the main facility of this family-run business, headquartered in South Tyrol in (Italy), products are developed which bring light to a variety of different settings: streets, squares and buildings; walking trails, urban gathering points and airports. ewo provides custom-tailored solutions for distributing, limiting and controlling light – solutions that have become a quality feature in the design of public spaces.
Rosco, founded in 1910, is best known for the products it originally manufactured: color filters, gobos, scenic paints and fog products. But today Rosco also provide a great range of products for indoor & outdoor projections and architectural lighting.
Alla armaturer tillverkas efter specifikation och leveranstid varierar beroende av fabrikat. Estimerad leveranstid meddelas snarast möjligt efter mottagen inköpsorder.
Produkt med tillverkningsfel byts mot ny produkt under garantitiden (se nedan) förutsatt att produkten använts och installerats i enlighet med tillverkarens anvisningar. Ersättning för utbyteskostnader utgår som regel inte, men sådana kan ändå komma att ersättas helt eller delvis efter beslut från fall till fall på goodwill basis. Yrkande om sådan ersättning måste framställas i förväg och godkännas skriftligen av REBEL LIGHT.
5 års produktgaranti lämnas på armatur och driver (LED-driver, transformator, driftdon) i fall där både armatur och driver levererats av REBEL LIGHT.
2 års produktgaranti lämnas på armaturer.
2 års produktgaranti lämnas på drivers, transformatorer och dimmers.
Förlängda garantitider erbjuds på projektbasis. Kontakta oss för bedömning.
REBEL LIGHT lämnar garanti enligt följande villkor:
Verkställande av produktgarantin
Vid funktionsbortfall beslutar respektive leverantör (baserat på sin tekniska analys av defekta artiklar) efter egen bedömning om de defekta produkterna ska repareras, bytas mot motsvarande ersättningsprodukter eller krediteras. Kunden eller användaren bär kostnader för demontering och montering samt fraktkostnader av produkterna. Alla övriga kostnader såsom utbyteskostnader i samband med installation, kostnader på grund av felaktig installation eller annan skada och/eller följdskador täcks inte av produktgarantin.
Åberopande av garantianspråk
Vid garantianspråk åberopas garantin genom återsändande av defekta produkter tillsammans med skriftlig felbeskrivning för kontroll av garantianspråkets riktighet.
Priser i offert redovisas exklusive moms.
Betalning skall ske kontant netto inom 30 dagar från förfallodatum i de fall köparen beviljats kredit hos REBEL LIGHT. Vi förbehåller oss rätten att tillämpa förskottsbetalning när vi finner det lämpligt. Vid betalning efter förfallodagen debiteras köparen dröjsmålsränta efter en räntesats, uppgående till 8 procentenheter över riksbankens gällande diskonto. Vid diskontoförändring ändras dröjsmålsräntan med verkan från följande månadsskifte.
Om inget annat avtalats förbehåller vi oss rätten att valutajustera offererade priser då förändringen är större än +/- 2%. Detta gäller under hela offertens giltighetstid.
LEVERANSVILLKOR – Vid tillämpning av ALEM 09
ALEM 09 är ett avtal mellan svenska elgrossister (SEG) och svenska elinstallatörer (EIO). REBEL LIGHT är inte medlemmar i SEG eller EIO och därför inte bundna av avtalet, men följer avtalet med följande ändringar/undantag:
Beställaren skall omedelbart efter mottagen leverans kontrollera varor och inom 5 dagar meddela REBEL LIGHT eventuella fel i produkt eller leverans. Fel som borde upptäckts i samband med mottagande och kontroll av leverans bär REBEL LIGHT inget ansvar för.
KONSULTTJÄNSTER – Konsulttjänster så som Ljusgestaltning, driftsättning och programmering levereras enligt ABK09.
Offererad driftsättning och/eller programmering giltig under förutsättning att armaturer och styrsystem är korrekt installerade. Eventuell felsökning tillkommer och faktureras per timma.
REBEL LIGHT är anslutna till FTI och El-kretsen.
Kontakta oss med frågor om våra garanti och leveransvillkor: support@rebellight.com